About Us - Tianse

Companaidh Profile

Guangzhou Sanheng Information Technology Co., Ltd. Mar aon de an t-saoghail proifeiseanta Dèanadair leis an ruigse as motha de chlò-bhualadair consumables agus stuthan oifis, tha sinn moit ann an cruthachadh as ùr-ghnàthach agus Gnìomhachail bathar. Oifis na feumalachdan a tha farsaing agus tha sinn dealasach a bhith a 'coinneachadh a h-uile dhiubh.

Brand Profile

TIANSE 'S e a' phrìomh brand de stuthan oifis fo bhratach Guangzhou Sanheng Information Technology Co., Ltd. Tha cosg-èifeachdas, ùr-ghnàthach dealbhaidh, dathan saidhbhir agus eadar-mheasgte roghainnean. TIANSE brand air a h-oifigeil a-steach a 'mhargaidh bho 2014, a' speisealachadh ann an oifis a 'clò-bhualadh consumables, a tha air a reic air a Tmall.com, JD.com agus eile post-malairt àrd-chabhsairean. Tha e air a bhith na b 'fheàrr gu luath clò-bhualadh consumables solaraiche brannd anns an dachaigh post-malairt mhargaidh.

 TIANSE brand has the widest range of product lines in multiple series, mainly covering 3D printer filamentsoffice printing consumables, office stationery, office equipment, cultural and creative products, etc. You can always find the item you want in TIANSE. In 2016, TIANSE brand products formally entered the overseas market, selling very well in many countries worldwide for the superior quality, good service, fast delivery and competitive price. They are highly favored by overseas consumers and successfully secured a place in the overseas market. Currently, it has more than 80 brand distributors overseas. TIANSE, with its excellent technical and superior service advantages, has successfully provided services for more than one million enterprise users.

Companaidh Ro-ràdh

Guangzhou Sanheng Information Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Sanheng Technology), established in 2007 and headquartered in Guangzhou, is a professional manufacture enterprise which integrates design, innovation, R&D, production, sales and services as a whole. Sanheng Technology is mainly positioned in the field of corporate office comprehensive consumption. In recent years, the company has developed different series and styles of office supplies. The product categories mainly cover 3D printer filaments, office printing consumables, office stationery, office equipment, cultural and creative products, etc.

Le riochdachadh ionad a 'còmhdach 35,000 meatair ceàrnagach ann Huizhou, còig mòr-bathair ann an Sìona, le uile gu lèir taigh-bathair rùm suas ri 10,000 meatair ceàrnagach, 193 proifeiseanta seirbheis luchd-cleachdaidh ionadan agus còrr is 2,300 co-obrachail meadhanan air feadh na dùthcha, a' chompanaidh urras luath agus punctual lìbhrigeadh agus a 'toirt seachad an luchd-cleachdaidh le proifeiseanta agus smaoinich-reic às dèidh an t-seirbheis, gu fìrinneach a 'coileanadh aon-stad an t-seirbheis.

Our Advantages seo

Strong R & D Comas

Le proifeiseanta R & D sgioba, tha sinn a 'ceangal gu math cudromach do ùr-ghnàthachadh agus dealbhadh. Tha sinn a 'cur luach air beachdan cruthachail agus tha iad a' strì gus leasachaidhean a dhèanamh air ùr-ghnàthachaidhean agus air stuthan againn.

Superior Càileachd

Le beartach gnìomhachas eòlas agus càileachd phròiseas smachd teann, tha sinn a 'cuimseachadh air na tha sinn a' dèanamh agus a 'dèanamh gus dèanamh cinnteach gu sòlamaichte dealas ar luchd-cleachdaidh a-mhàin a' faighinn an ìre as àirde càileachd stuthan.

Math Seirbheis

Le stàball sèinichean solair, luchd-cleachdaidh amas bun-bheachd agus proifeiseanta luchd-cleachdaidh seirbheis sgioba, tha sinn a 'toirt a h-uile timcheall air agus smaoinich ro-reic, ann an-reic, agus an dèidh-reic seirbheisean do ar luchd-ceannach a h-uile àm.

ar cultar




Àrd Èifeachdais

