About Us - Tianse

Company Profile

Guangzhou Sanheng Information Technology Co., Ltd. Sorumwe munyika nounyanzvi mugadziri pamwe widest kuwanda aidhinda consumables uye hofisi supplies, isu kudada zvikuru paakasika kupfuura nzira itsva uye dzichipfekeka zvigadzirwa. Office vanodei zvakawanda uye tinosungirwa Rokusangana vose.

Brand Profile

TIANSE Nde muchiso mahofisi zvokuyamura pasi pomureza pamusoro Guangzhou Sanheng Information Technology Co., Ltd. It ine mutengo-kushanda, itsva design, vapfumi mavara uye siyana sarudzo. TIANSE muchiso anenge pamutemo apinda musika kubvira 2014, kushandisa hofisi kudhinda consumables, izvo akanotengesa pamusoro Tmall.com, JD.com uye mamwe e-zvokutengeserana platforms. It yava chinhu vaifarira kudhinda consumables nokutengesa muchiso mudzimai e-zvokutengeserana musika.

 TIANSE brand has the widest range of product lines in multiple series, mainly covering 3D printer filamentsoffice printing consumables, office stationery, office equipment, cultural and creative products, etc. You can always find the item you want in TIANSE. In 2016, TIANSE brand products formally entered the overseas market, selling very well in many countries worldwide for the superior quality, good service, fast delivery and competitive price. They are highly favored by overseas consumers and successfully secured a place in the overseas market. Currently, it has more than 80 brand distributors overseas. TIANSE, with its excellent technical and superior service advantages, has successfully provided services for more than one million enterprise users.

Company Introduction

Guangzhou Sanheng Information Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Sanheng Technology), established in 2007 and headquartered in Guangzhou, is a professional manufacture enterprise which integrates design, innovation, R&D, production, sales and services as a whole. Sanheng Technology is mainly positioned in the field of corporate office comprehensive consumption. In recent years, the company has developed different series and styles of office supplies. The product categories mainly cover 3D printer filaments, office printing consumables, office stationery, office equipment, cultural and creative products, etc.

With firimu chawo akafukidza 35,000 mativi metres Huizhou, dzokuchengetera makuru mashanu China ne zvachose yokuchengetera zvinhu nzvimbo kusvika 10,000 mativi metres, 193 nyanzvi vatengi nzvimbo uye anopfuura 2300 pamwe nehoro munyika, kambani anogona kuvimbisa kutsanya uye nguva hurukuro uye kupa vatengi vane nyanzvi uye hanya pashure-okutengesa basa, zvechokwadi kuziva chimwe-kumira basa.

Our Advantages seo

R Strong & D kugona

Ane nyanzvi R & D chikwata, tinonzwa zvikuru utsanzi uye nepurani. Tinokoshesa pfungwa okusika uye vari kuvavarira kuti zvakagadzirwa uye kuvandudzwa pamusoro zvinhu zvedu.

mukuru Quality

With mupfumi indasitiri ruzivo uye kunyatsoomerera yepamusoro kudzora muitiro, isu pfungwa pane zvatinoita uye kuti mhiko yakasimba kuitira vatengi vedu chete kugamuchira chemhando yepamusoro zvigadzirwa.

Service Good

With yakadzikama PAKAPERA ngetani, mutengi vaifarira pfungwa uye nyanzvi chikwata vatengi, isu kupa zvose-kumativi uye aifungawo pre-sale, mu-sale uye pashure-sale mabasa vatengi dzedu dzose nguva.

Culture yedu




High kunyatsoshanda

