SILK PLA 3D Printing Filament(Silk White)

SILK PLA 3D Printing Filament(Silk White)
  • Model: TS-PLA Silk-White


Material: Silk PLA
Item Weight: 1KG/2.20 pounds
Item Diameter: 1.75 Millimeters
Recommended Extrusion/Nozzle Temperature​: 180°C - 240°C
Recommended Base Plate/Print Bed Temperature: No heated/(20 - 70)°C
Low shrinkage rate and it performs pretty well even when printing larger models.

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material PLA (Polylactic asam)
warna sutra bodas
beurat 1kg (kira 2.2 lbs)
Diameter 1.75mm (akurasi dimensi +/- 0.03mm)
Disarankeun Tonjolan / nozzle Suhu 180°C – 240°C (356°F – 464°F )
Disarankeun Base Lempeng / Print Pesanggrahan Suhu No heated/(20 – 70)°C
  • Laju shrinkage lemah sareng eta ngalaksanakeun geulis ogé sanajan percetakan model nu leuwih gede.
  • Tinggi cocog sareng rupa-rupa FDM26D printerMakerbot, nepi tambah, Mendel, Prusa, runtuyan, jsb
  • Non toksik: Kabéh produk geus lulus RoHS diréktif, anu dijieun ku 100% asam polylactic.
  • Kapadetan anu leutik sarta eta loba torek na langkung ekonomis nalika percetakan model nu leuwih gede.
  • bahan baku ti AS. kalawan kinerja alus ramah-lingkungan.
  • Filamén nyaeta mantri dibungkus jeung ngalembereh ogé.
  • percetakan mulus tur sinambung tanpa clogging atawa gelembung masalah
  • 24 x 7 Pro Rojongan Palanggan nyadiakeun solusi teknis.


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