TPU 3D Printing Filament(Yellow)

TPU 3D Printing Filament(Yellow)
  • Mudell: TS-TPU - Yellow


Material: TPU.
Item Weight: 1KG/2.20 pounds
Item Diameter: 1.75 Millimeters
Recommended Extrusion/Nozzle Temperature​: 190°C - 220°C
Recommended Base Plate/Print Bed Temperature: No heated/(20 - 70)°C
Low shrinkage rate and it performs pretty well even when printing larger models.

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materjal TPU (saħħa għolja iżda flessibbli.)
kulur fluworexxenti Isfar
piż 1kg (madwar 2.2 £)
dijametru 1.75mm (Eżattezza dimensjonali +/- 0.03mm)
temperatura Stampa
190°C - 220°C (356°F - 410°F )
  • Recommended Extrusion/Nozzle Temperature​: 190°C - 220°C
  • Għal printers 3D komuni bħal MakerBot, Reprap, Afinia, UP, Mendel, flashforge, Solidoodle 2, Printrbot LC, MakerGear M2 u eċċ
  • 100% Garanzija Sodisfazzjon: 2-Sena Warranty u 24 * 7 klijent appoġġ b'pariri tekniċi

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