PETG 3D Clò-bhualadh Filament (White)

PETG 3D Clò-bhualadh Filament (White)
  • Modail: TS-PETG-White


Material: PETG.
Item Weight: 1KG/2.20 pounds
Item Diameter: 1.75 Millimeters
Recommended Extrusion/Nozzle Temperature​: 220°C - 260°C
Recommended Base Plate/Print Bed Temperature: No heated/(20 - 70)°C
Low shrinkage rate and it performs pretty well even when printing larger models.

bathar Tuairisgeul

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Dùthchasach PETG
Color Geal
Weight 1KG (mu 2.2 puinnd)
trast-thomhas 1.75mm (thaobhach mionaideachd +/- 0.03mm)
Moladh Extrusion / Nozzle Teòthachd 220°C - 260°C
Bubble No builgean
  • Àrd-gheal: PETG ìosal shrinkage ìre àrd transmittance, fiù 's na bu mhotha na clò-bhuailibh modailean' coileanadh gu math.
  • Strong TOUGHNESS: saothraichte gu math teann agus feumalachdan farsaing extruder Teòthachd raon, àrd cruas, a 'dèanamh airson fhasa 3D clò-bhualadh, agus nas lugha de extruder nozzle duilgheadasan.
  • Àrd-fhreagarrachd: Airson a chur ri caochladh FDM 3D clò-bhualadair, Makerbot, UP plus, Mendel, Prusa, sreath, etc.
  • Healthy: a h-uile bathar air a dhol seachad an RoHS Riaghailt, a dhèanamh le 100% polylactic acid.
  • Dùmhlachd beag, nuair a chlò-bhualadh nas motha leabhar modail aotruime, chùramach.

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